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What makes us a better choice ?

Chart Comparison of Our Services vs Others
cranial vascular stroke migraines thermography thermal scan

Our Advanced technology may provide indications of stroke risk and migraine concerns. Variations of the thyroid & parathyroid must be taken into consideration as well,  as possible contributing factors.

cranial vascular stroke migraines thermography thermal scans
 throat vascular thyroid stroke glands thermography thermal scan

BELOW * Notice the difference in blood flow between the left side neck and right side as well as around the thyroid 

 throat vascular congestion thyroid carotid stroke lymphatic glands thermography thermal scan
 throat vascular congestion thyroid carotid stroke lymphatic glands thermography thermal scans

BELOW * we can see indications for unhealthy estrogen activity

                          in the patterns of the blood vessels 

thermography breast cancer estrogen imbalance thermal scan early detection vascular

It is very important to remember that blood clots

move through the body & inflammation is an

indication of potential health concerns. 

thermography legs blood clots vascular thermal scan
thermography legs blood clots vascular thermal scan
thermography legs blood clots vascular thermal scans
Health by Choice not by Chance

Being PROACTIVE with your health is much easier then being REACTIVE

            when health issues happen ....  your family needs you 

BOOK TODAY for a full body scan  (Men 48 images, women 55 images) 

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