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Cleansing step 2 - Probiotics
Think of your intestines like a garden, with a healthy balance of bacteria in the soil, our body keeps the weeds in check. When things get out of hand, yeast, unhealthy bacteria and parasites (like weeds) take over. Â They cause inflamation to the intestine and support a disease environment.
And, when people cleanse abrasively by purging the bowel or using harsh herbal combinations, often the healthy bacteria are wiped out and the colon is left inflammed and open to infection. Â There are over 400 types of bacteria in the intestine, each having significant roles in the hormonal system, immune system, mental/ emotional states, regulation of serotonin, absorption, arteriol sclerosis, cholesterol, inflamatory conditions etc. ( ref: the digestive contract, intestinal microbiology & probiotics, by: Prof. M.F.Kirkman, Dr. L. Cedgard)
Top foods to re-establish probiotic balanceÂ
kefer, sauerkraut, quality yogurt (with live bacterial cultures - no fake sugars), sour dough base, tempeh, sour pickles, fermented milk ( i.e. buttermilk) Miso (fermented soybean - caution to those who are estrogen sensitive), some soft cheeses have live bacterial cultures
Aloe gel is a wonderful mucosogen to help heal the lining.Â
Prebiotic foods feed the good bacteria already living in your digestive system. You can find prebiotics in foods such as asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, oatmeal, red wine, honey, maple syrup, and legumes.Â
Fructoogliosaccarhides - often found in probiotic supplements - what are they?
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are oligosaccharides that occur naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others. They have a low sweetness intensityand a prebiotic effect, which is why they are convenient and supportive for packaging with probiotics.
They also improved mineral absorption and decreased levels of serum cholesterol, triacylglycerols and phospholipids. However, some people notice some gastric discomfort with this particular type of sugar, it is a personal choice.Â
Consuming whole, real foods, healthy fats, lean meat or plant based proteins....  Avoiding any processed foods or deep fried, pop, anything white ( sugar, breads, cereals, etc.) minimize raw meat (sushi), pork, minimize dairy (mucous producing), minimize alcohol & coffee (use green and herbal teas), drink 2-3L water daily with lemon or lime, make sure your bowel moves 3 meals in/ 3 meals our regularily, get your sleep - a weakened immune system makes a good host, be sure to get your vit. C, D, B complex, trace minerals to keep your immune system strong, good nutrition and last but not least, a happy state of mind creates a happy body....dont sweat the small stuff!Â
PLEASE NOTE: when making diet or lifestyle changes, always contact your medical doctor or medical advisor, especially regarding your medication use. This website is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate disease.Â
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