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Celebrating the hundreds of people who 
transformed their lives.


Continuing Education is a priority in my life; for both my self and my clients. The world is changing daily, information changes with it and it is critical that we know how to weed through the endless stream of information. Is coffee good or bad? Can we eat pasta or not? Can we eat beef… how many alcoholic drinks are reasonable or safe, how does it all affect our mind and medication use. Do we need to cleanse…. what’s that all about? Is it safe?

Every where we look we are getting different answers!


These seminars and workshops are fun, interactive and teach you

“common sense” approach to understanding how your body works

and how it will respond to change and of course, which changes you

should make in your lifestyle and nutrition.


· Private Corporate wellness days

· Government social workers

· High school teachers conferences

· ATA conventions

· Orthopedic Nurses Associations

· Business development conferences

· Aboriginal Society conferences

· AGLC learning luncheons

· Fitness clubs

· Community services

· Catholic  &  Protestant school districts of Alberta…..

AND soooo many more,  have embraced the opportunity

to bring wellness into the workplace with my workshops

and private consultations.


Canadian and USA statistics show that your employees work harder when they feel better. They have fewer sick days and perform better when the are appreciated and know you are invested in their well being. This is your chance to reap an additional return on your business investment. Wellness days, seminars, workshops can be tailored to your staff needs.


Understanding Nutritional Facts
Fruit , a key to holistic wellness
Healthy Choices
The ABCs of Healthy Choices
Healthy Yes or No
Healthy Choices
Wellness measurement of success
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